Dynamic Living offers private instruction and consultation on:
Personal Training
Pilates Reformer
Muscle Activation Technique Training
Nutrition Consultation
Stress Management
Our Facility
Dynamic Living’s state-of-the-art private training gym, conveniently located in Arlington, VA, provides you with the ability to train in a private and professional environment. Using the latest equipment, our highly-experienced certified personal trainers provide you with training sessions that are unique, challenging, and fun.
Corporate Training
A good wellness program can reduce the burden of the cost of many chronic diseases. Dynamic Living provides worksite wellness services for corporate clients in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Corporate programs range from comprehensive health risk assessment-based programs that provide data-driven solutions, to lunch-and-learn health topic presentations. All work is conducted at the corporate client’s facility by highly-experienced certified professionals. Corporate clients can customize packages to meet the needs and interests of their employees. Corporate services include:
Private and group personal training sessions conducted during morning, lunchtime, and evening hours
Pilates mat classes taught by experienced certified instructors
Additional group fitness classes, including boot camp, stretching, abdominal work, etc.
Lunchtime seminars on topics such as nutrition, healthy cooking, stress management workplace fitness, posture improvement, smoking cessation, etc.
Individual personal wellness profiles and program recommendations
Contact us today to custom-design a program to improve the health of your employees.